집 Home_꿈 Dream

담너머 바다 a sea over the wall
담너머 바다 a sea over the wall
거짓말 the lie
거짓말 the lie
p24 01
잠자는 산 a sleeping mountain
잠자는 산 a sleeping mountain
바라보다 He stares into the distance
바라보다 He stares into the distance
바라보다 I stare into the distance
바라보다 I stare into the distance
거짓말 the lie
거짓말 the lie
무제 Untitled
p52 01
버드나무 a willow tree
버드나무 a willow tree
가야 Gaya_ an ancient region
가야 Gaya_ an ancient region
돼지꿈 I met a pig in my dream
돼지꿈 I met a pig in my dream
MG 1714
p13 02
p16 01
버드나무 a willow tree
버드나무 a willow tree
나무 a tree
숲으로 간 사람 a man who has gone to the woods
숲으로 간 사람 a man who has gone to the woods
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